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Resource Library

Client Questionnaires

The most useful estate plan considers complete and accurate information. In order to create the estate plan that can best suit you, help us establish an organized file, reduce the time spent obtaining background information, and attempt to minimize the cost, we recommend that you complete the appropriate client questionnaire form.

We will rely on the information provided by you. Our advice may be inappropriate if it is based on incomplete or inaccurate information.

Client Questionnaire for Unmarried Persons
PDF Format (you may print this document, complete it offline and then mail it to us)

Client Questionnaire for Married Couples
PDF Format (you may print this document, complete it offline and then mail it to us)

Resources by Practice Area

Asset Protection Planning
Fundamentals of Asset Protection

Charitable Planning and Tax Exempt Organizations
Having Your Cake & Eating It Too!

Estate and Wealth Transfer Planning
Affluenza: The Disease of Inherited Wealth
Intestate Will – an illustration of what happens if you die without a will
IRA Beneficiaries: What you don’t know can hurt you (and your family)!
Red Flag: Your Child is on the Title to Your Home or Other Assets
Superior Estate Planning: Going the Extra Mile
IDGTS: A tax-advantaged way to transfer assets to your loved ones

Probate, Estate and Trust Administration
Serving as Personal Representative or Trustee is Not for Sissies!

Real Estate Transactions and Financing
Abracadabra! Like-Kind Exchange Can Make Capital Gains Disappear

Business Succession Planning
Business Succession Planning for the Closely Held Business Owner
Selling Your Business

Corporate Finance
Bootstrapping is Back
Financing Startups
The Growing & Changing Role of Entrepreneurs in the U.S. Recovery

Hospital & Healthcare
Planning Ahead With Advanced Directives

Mergers and Acquisitions
Forewarned is Forearmed

Minority and Disadvantaged Business Certifications
Minority Disadvantaged Business Certifications